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Pedro Martins

Services marketplace

Finding problems is easy: we all come up against them on a daily basis. It’s finding solutions that is hard: and it’s the first step of so many entrepreneurs.

It was my first step too: and then I wanted to build that solution from scratch and drive it all the way. Now, the dream is to have Zaask crack the challenges of the services world globally. 

Of course, the road isn’t always safe, simple or steady: as an entrepreneur, you hit awesome highs, but some tough lows too. Still, it’s great having Shilling, some of the smartest people I have met, on your team, with great advice to keep you on the right track, and to drive you to keep pushing.

I learned in my very first job that I wanted to be an entrepreneur myself.
It isn’t always easy, but it’s been worth it.
Every single minute of it.

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